Christmastide | CHRISTMAS DAY

If you were like me, I grew up believing that 25 December was the end of the Christmas season. However, according to the Church calendar, it’s twelve days long! When you stop to think about it (if you have that time) it makes sense. Why, after an en…

If you were like me, I grew up believing that 25 December was the end of the Christmas season. However, according to the Church calendar, it’s twelve days long! When you stop to think about it (if you have that time) it makes sense. Why, after an entire month of longing and waiting and remembering, would we celebrate for one day and be done? I would hope our celebration, not only spills over into the twelve days of Christmastide but that the hope and joy of Christmas would never leave our hearts.

As with the Advent Worship Guide, this devotional was never intended to replace any regular study of the Word, but to supplement and be an addition to your regular time with the Lord. Each of these devotionals were written out of hearts that love the Lord and desire that all hearts are His alone. 

The hope is that you are not only encouraged in your walk with the Lord by the testimonies and encouragement from dear brothers and sisters at Hope Church but that a fire is stoked in your belly to go and tell. Go and tell your neighbor. Go and tell your friend. Go and tell the family member that you see only during the holidays. Go and tell! 

May this be our heartbeat. May we not be ashamed of the gospel! May we be compelled to tell everyone we meet that the King has come and He’s going to come back! He will right all the wrongs. He will heal the brokenness. He is the Light of Life and the Hope of all the world. 

Happy Christmastide to you! The King has come!

Christmastide 2020

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