We are an independent local congregation of believers in Jesus Christ - a unique composite of gender, age, color and cultures - all who are seeking to know more about Jesus Christ and how to follow Him according to the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. We have sought to allow the Bible and the Holy Spirit to direct our corporate life. Out of this came the commitment to continual renewal fostered by biblical principles of church life discovered over the years. The Headship of Christ, Fellowship, Integration, Gifts, Interaction, Discipline and Commitment are primary guides toward building up the local church body.
We have not arrived and are keenly aware that we have much to learn and embrace. One of the growing desires is to be more effective in local evangelism and seeing more people receive forgiveness of sins, the new birth, and sanctification in Christ. Above all we wish Jesus to be our Lord, and those who join us to share in this goal.
Hope Church has adopted a thematic worship of God for His attributes (nature) and actions. Our worship is musically blended, seeking to unite the church in adoration of God rather than separate over various styles and tastes. This is a continuing challenge but we believe God is pleased with the effort