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What is Post Tenebras lux?

Post Tenebras Lux is a latin phrase meaning, “Light after Darkness.” It is an evening that comes to Hope Church once a year. It was birthed out of a desire to remember Christ’s passion and celebrate His resurrection through an evening of music, communion, and worship. Over the years its form has varied but the heart of the evening has always been about remembering and celebrating. Celebrating because after the darkest days in history the morning came and light broke through the darkness! Jesus stood in victory, Death defeated, lifeless at His feet.

Then with the first of morning light
from quiet garden tomb,
The lamb who was for sinners slain,
in glorious splendor stood.

What to expect

There will be three movements to the evening. In the first movement, we will follow the road from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane and then to the foot of the cross that first Good Friday. The second movement will be a time of self-reflection. As Jesus lay, silent in the dark tomb, here we will pause, reflecting in the darkness…reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made, his substitution for every man, woman, and child. As Jesus instructed, we will be giving an opportunity to remember and proclaim this death and resurrection until he returns again through communion. A third and final movement will be a time of celebration. Darkness may last for the night but Morning has come and is coming. This will be a time of worship, celebrating Jesus’s victory over death! We encourage you to invite your family and friends to celebrate with us.

The evening will last just a little over 90 minutes. Out of respect for others we ask that you please keep your mask on during the evening.

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