Refugee Ministry
In the past, God has sent missionaries overseas into the mission fields, and He continues to do so. It is also true, however, that our God is bringing the mission field right here to you and to me! Here at Hope Church we have been blessed by the arrival of many refugees, and we desire to pour Christ into their lives for all that we, in Christ, are worth. These folks have suffered tremendously. Some have lost family members. Others have been physically abused, and still others have been separated from their husbands or their children because of the war. Many have lost everything, and have come to this new land, the language of which they just do not speak. The difficulties they have suffered have been enormous, and this is one of the reasons why our God has brought these people to Hope Church, that they may hope once more. What a privilege it is to get to intentionally invest in the refugees God has place in our backyard. Here at Hope Church we believe in disciples making disciples through Loving God, Loving Others, Reaching the World, and Making Another.