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Giving appreciated stock to the church is a wonderful opportunity to compound the effect of a gift.  Under Internal Revenue Rules, you obtain the tax benefit of the market value of the stock on the day received by the church.  However, as the church is selling the stock instead of the Donor, no income taxes are paid on the gain or increase in value of the stock either by the donor or by the church.

We would be happy to discuss the benefits and procedure with you including, the tax ramifications, our procedure for received the funds, and our procedure for liquidating the funds.

If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock, to the church, we request that you take the following steps.

1.     Contact Allen Wise of the Finance Team.  This can be by phone or email.  The phone at: (803) 754-7956 (Home), (803) 765-0902 (Office), or (803) 360-6507 (Cell).  The email for the finance team is and the email for Allen is   This is an important step as otherwise, we may not be able to match the gift to the giver or know how you wish the funds to be applied.

2.     Have your brokerage account transfer the shares to the Hope Church Columbia brokerage account at Fidelity Investments, DTC  0226, Account Number Z41-352535, Hope Church Columbia.

Your support of the ministries of Hope Church, through finances and prayer is greatly appreciated!

Please fill out the form below to contact the Finance Team